Our Farm

Welcome to the Our Farm page, where we showcase the excellence of SERGO COFFEE GROUP LTD's coffee farm. Our farm spans 80 hectares and is solely dedicated to the cultivation of Robusta coffee. However, our commitment to producing quality coffee goes beyond the boundaries of the farm. We also strive to create a positive impact on the social and environmental sustainability of the communities around us.
Located at an altitude of 1250 meters above sea level, similar to high-grown Arabica, our farm benefits from a mild, cloudy climate that is ideal for the cultivation of healthy coffee plants. The average temperature of 25°C and regular rainfall of 1250 mm p.a. over two rainy seasons ensure the production of high-quality, hard beans that possess a superior coffee flavor.
Our farm is managed by a team of highly skilled Ugandan professionals, all of who possess extensive experience in coffee farm operations. With our team's expertise and dedication, we strive to implement the best practices in coffee production while also making a positive impact on the environment and local communities.
At our coffee company, we use the term "processing" to describe every stage of the coffee production process, from the moment the coffee cherries are carefully hand-picked from the plants to the final stage of preparing the beans for shipment.
Our team understands the crucial role each stage of processing plays in ensuring the quality and taste of the final product. From the removal of the outer layer of the cherries to the separation of the beans from the pulp, every step is carried out with precision and care.
We believe that by maintaining high standards throughout the processing stage, we can produce coffee beans with exceptional flavour and aroma. Our commitment to quality extends beyond our own operations, as we work closely with farmers and producers to ensure the best possible practices are employed at every stage of the coffee-making process.
Single Origin Series:
Introducing our Single Origin Series - a collection of specialty coffees that offer a unique taste experience by showcasing the distinct flavors of each region's terroir. Each month, we feature a different origin, allowing you to explore and appreciate the nuanced flavors and aromas specific to that region.
Our partners have spent years working with coffee producers at origin to curate exceptional quality coffee beans. From carefully selecting the best beans to meticulously roasting them, we take great care in ensuring that every cup of coffee we offer is of the highest quality.
Whether you prefer a House Espresso blend or a Wild and Exciting guest filter, we have a specialty green coffee to satisfy every palate. We are passionate about coffee and are committed to sharing the unique and diverse flavors of the world's best coffee regions with our customers. Come join us on a journey of taste and discovery with our Single Origin Series.

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Inspired & Driven by the desire to Deliver the finest Ugandan Coffee.. Read More